The challenge of getting to know and capturing the Andean geography to merge in spirit beverages is our daily goal. We use regional raw material which, together with the small producers’ work and passion, contributes with the tradition and lost culture of The Andes. Then, everything is combined with a sophisticated productive system, characteristic of our technical team, always in search of the maximum quality standard and with deep passion for creating distilled spirits of unique nature.

Finally, we cannot conceive a company without strong commitment with its environment. Our work philosophy is based on taking care of nature and its people. 

We work with a complex natural water recovery system, optimization of energy resources at the factory, recovery of native flora and inclusion of local small producers. 

This is the manner in which we sustain our virtuous circle, ensuring excellence and commitment in every aspect from the land to the glass.

The Andes

Creating your own distilled spirits from origin and boasting the honor of having its name is a challenge that a few individuals are willing to face. Then, who would boast to create spirits with the genetics of the west’s highest mountains? Only a passionate and obstinately determined team.

To gain the right to own a place, it is essential to reminisce its essence. In The Andes that means its land, its climate and its people.

Mendoza lies at the foothills of Aconcagua, the sentinel of 6,961 meters high of the longest continental mountain range in Earth. This arid oasis arose from a mixture of races: from the ancient Inca warriors to the peaceful Huarpes, from the Spanish settler to the Italian immigrant, from the European explorer to the gaucho and baqueano. Authors of a town that would be mountain, country, city and promise.

Malbec, condor, guanaco and viscacha; volcanoes, hills, piedmonts and plains; jarilla, thyme, thatch and chañar; great kiskadee, hummingbird, red ovenbird and chalk-browed mockingbird: the most thriving city of the west of Argentina is the home and habitat of life, dreams and mixtures, shining with its own light in the eyes of the whole world.

That is where we built our Distillery: at the Andes foothills, in Las Compuertas District, Luján de Cuyo, the most important viticulture area. Among huge poplar trees and centenary pepper trees, we had the dream of offering the world distilled spirits with Andean genetics. Nurtured with glacier water, hardened by the kind and working hands of the quiet local producer and perfected by the technique of a team obsessed with every single detail, our spirits are in search of the top of our mountains, in search of the Andean glory.


Creating your own distilled spirits from origin and boasting the honor of having its name is a challenge that a few individuals are willing to face. Then, who would boast to create spirits with the genetics of the west’s highest mountains? Only a passionate and obstinately determined team.

To gain the right to own a place, it is essential to reminisce its essence. In The Andes that means its land, its climate and its people.

Mendoza lies at the foothills of Aconcagua, the sentinel of 6,961 meters high of the longest continental mountain range in Earth. This arid oasis arose from a mixture of races: from the ancient Inca warriors to the peaceful Huarpes, from the Spanish settler to the Italian immigrant, from the European explorer to the gaucho and baqueano. Authors of a town that would be mountain, country, city and promise.

Malbec, condor, guanaco and viscacha; volcanoes, hills, piedmonts and plains; jarilla, thyme, thatch and chañar; great kiskadee, hummingbird, red ovenbird and chalk-browed mockingbird: the most thriving city of the west of Argentina is the home and habitat of life, dreams and mixtures, shining with its own light in the eyes of the whole world.

That is where we built our Distillery: at the Andes foothills, in Las Compuertas District, Luján de Cuyo, the most important viticulture area. Among huge poplar trees and centenary pepper trees, we had the dream of offering the world distilled spirits with Andean genetics. Nurtured with glacier water, hardened by the kind and working hands of the quiet local producer and perfected by the technique of a team obsessed with every single detail, our spirits are in search of the top of our mountains, in search of the Andean glory.


A distillery set in a forest, with architecture and machinery both contemporary and from the XIX century, embellished and guarded by The Andes mountains. 

Compañía Destilera Andina has 14 stills from different parts of the world. Some of them are works of art with over 100 years old, completely restored. These distillers are assisted by a high-precision productive system that covers the malting, fermenting, filtering and macerating processes, all of them with cutting-edge technology.

Last but not least, is our family. The people who work at Compañía Destilera Andina, who breathe and transmit this passion for distilled spirits, that helped us achieve this dream and turn it into a beautiful and enchanting lifestyle. Eternally grateful.


Our products


Roque Sáenz Peña 7890, Las Compuertas, Luján de Cuyo – Mendoza, Argentina


All right reserved. Andina Compañía Destilera


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